Thursday, July 15, 2010

The truth is what you make of it”.

Once a lion, always a lion

“With all due respect, sir. I would still relish the opportunity to be a partner in your firm. I have applied twice already and been rejected both times. I am here stating my claim a third time despite the fact that I know your patience is wearing very thin.” Both times that I was rejected, I was flung a sliver of hope. Maybe it wasn’t hope, maybe it was the liquor talking. Either way both times, the “no” was linked with a feint, feint “yes”. You can deny it all you want but like I said, the truth is what you make of it.

“Listen, son. This position is unavailable. How about we give you a non-operational role up here with us? You won’t be assigned any critical duties, but we can have lunch together on a more regular basis! Let me find out who sits in office 36, it’s got a good view, and from up here you will be able to see how the company works and maybe one day –when you’re ready and if we are ever ready- we can look at this partner application of yours again”

“It won’t be necessary, sir. I don’t think –after all this time- that I can accept anything less than a partner position and I think it will best we both go our separate ways”.

“Hold on. Why do you want this partner position so bad? There a million other useful things you can do around here without having to swap your current role? You can help the firm grow and who knows what might happen in the future?”

“Again with all due respect, sir I will try to answer your question. I did not approach your firm seeking a mid-level opportunity that may or may not lead somewhere. I said in my first interview that I would like to make partner as soon as possible and you indicated that that possibility may or may not occur sometime in the near future once the company got its affairs and restructuring in order. I took up the temporary position I offered purely on that premise. In fact, the chance to see the inner workings of the company has not soothed my ambitions but rather poured gasoline on them and threw in a stick of dynamite for good measure. I spoke up every chance I got, but you should know that as much as you wanted to domesticate a tiger, I cannot guarantee his actions at the faintest opportunity. In any other circumstances, I would have told the person offering me that temporary position, that he could have stuck it “where the sun don’t shine”…

My so-called brazen and spontaneous actions at the last meeting I do not regret. Deep down I knew that it was probably going to signal my very last board meeting. You have to realize that since I started working here, I have been caught between two fires, the fires of inaction and the fires of dramatic action. I am sorry if I had offended you or anyone.

I don’t think I am better than everyone else. I KNOW I am better than them. I AM the best. You yourself have referred to me as the “total package”, very early when we first met. And I know and you know that I can walk into any firm on this island and be asked to a partner under my own conditions, but I knew as soon as I got here that this was the firm for me. I knew you were facing aftermaths from bad partners in the past and I was willing to work with you on overcoming them. I would have worked for free because it was a personal ambition to see this company at its best once again. In hindsight I don’t think either of us picked each other. I am not a spiritual man (Aside from the occasional spliff), but I think that for a cosmic reason, your firm appeared when I first arrived and that’s how we are where we are now.”

“Son, you’ve overstepped your boundaries. I going to have to send you back to the mailroom so you can cool off” We will talk again once you’ve understood your place and worked your way up to just office 36, boy. Maybe then we can discuss if you have a future in this company”

“On any other day, I would have gladly obliged you, sir. But I think its best that we go our separate ways. Good luck with everything. I have no intention of going back to the mailroom ever in my life again”

“You’ll be back, boy…”

“I won’t and by the way, office 36… the one by the window? That’s my office, I have been there since I started here, and we have already had lunch every other day and I have met your family. Not that you would remember…”

“You’ll be back, boy!!”

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